Another woman volunteers and the man fixes her lipstick.
A supertitle tells us, "Fathers, for whom every revolution of a machine wheel meant gold, had created for their sons the miracle of the Eternal Gardens." A group of women gathers in a beautiful garden as a man asks, "Which of you ladies shall today have the honor of entertaining Master Freder, Joh Fredersen's son?"Ī woman bows and turns around, showing off her dress several times. We see this city, high above in the clouds. The scene shifts to "the Club of the Sons," high above the city, where the upper classes live. The workers' heads are hung low and they board a large elevator as supertitles read, "Deep below the Earth's surface lay the worker's city." The elevator arrives in the workers' city, and the workers all file off and towards the buildings where they work. The workers march in unison off to work, all wearing matching uniforms. Steam blows out of a smokestack and we see a number of workers lined up as a gate opens to reveal yet more workers.

An epigraph reads, "The mediator between brain and hands must be the heart!" We see a booming modern city, then many industrial wheels and mechanisms turning rapidly as a clock hits 12.